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दाखबारी संगती

 We are the family of Vineyard Churches in the Himalayas Region of Nepal and Northeast India. Our desire is to be faithful followers of Christ who are full of the Spirit, Worship passionately, have hearts of compassion, are doers of God’s word, and welcome people into the Kingdom. We believe in not only being better together but also growing together.








Noel / Dona Isaacs Bhotia.

Senior Pastor / National Director.

Kathmandu Vineyard Fellowship / Vineyard Himalayas.

P.O Box 23401. Kathmandu

Street; Bhanimandal, Lalitpur. Kathmandu.


Ph. +977-1-5545211. Email:


Today’s Himalayan Region Vineyard Churches are a product of providential and practical events. Providentially, He had His hand on the intersecting paths of people and events. In the mid-1990’s, David Ruis (then pastor of Winnipeg Centre Vineyard) and Noel Isaacs(a fourth-generation believer from Pedong; a small town in the district of Darjeeling, India) connected and immediately shared a vision for worship, justice, and compassion becoming foundational values for the Kingdom mission. In the early conferences that were held in the region, passionate worship and ministry attracted many who searched for a new paradigm of values in their evangelistic mission to the Nepali people.

In 1995, Noel and his wife Dona were invited to spend three months in Canada to strengthen ties with Winnipeg Centre Vineyard and their leadership fellowship this time, The Isaacs were sent out from WCV to Kathmandu, where they spent time sharing food with the poorest of the poor, praying for them, building relationships, and leading them to Christ.The good news of Jesus and His Kingdom powerfully touched people, with many experiencing physical healing, being delivered of demonic oppression, and consequently stepping away from the old ways to find a new life in Christ.

With the rapidly growing numbers of believers, the Isaacs planted Kathmandu Vineyard in 1998. In the ensuing years, over 26 other Vineyard Churches throughout the Himalayan Region have been planted in connection with Kathmandu Vineyard, often as a result of the same mode of reaching out to the poor(especially to those who are marginalized or labeled as lower castes in society, culture, and religion), dramatic encounters with the Kingdom, and choosing to follow Christ. Most of the leaders of these Vineyards are first generation believers in Jesus.

Practically, the church planting experience of the Isaacs family from past generations has envisioned and empowered Noel to pioneer and mentor leaders across the Himalayan region for the last 20 years. The bond with Winnipeg and other supporting partner churches has been a blessing to both.

The synergies between Vineyard mission, values, and expression testify to the realities of the inviting and healing message of Christ’s love to the lost and faithful. God’s Kingdom has truly advanced over the years and is poised for even greater impact in the Himalayan region. Both the expectation and manifestation of God’s power is an almost daily occurrence in the Himalayas and has become a model for all. The potential for harvest and the advancement of God’s Kingdom is limitless.

Since September 2017, The Vineyard Himalayas Churches has released as Association of Vineyard Churches, the Himalayas as fully developed-self-supporting, self-governing,self-propagating autonomous body of Christ. We are now known as Vineyard Himalayas. The Central Office is located in Bhanimandal, Lalitpur, Kathmandu, Nepal. Noel Isaacs Bhotia and Dona Isaacs Bhotia as National Directors of the VINEYARD HIMALAYAS

Statement of Faith

The Bible is our final authority in all matters of faith and practice. However, since the Bible is a diverse collection of narrative stories, poetry, law, and letters, it is helpful to summarize its teaching in a concise form that can not only be comprehended by those deeply rooted in the Church but also, those who have little exposure to the Bible. This is the historical function of the ancient church creeds in the first 400 years of Christ-Centered faith.


Every community of faith has two major obligations in regards to its faith, namely absolute faithfulness to the Word of God, and sensitivity to the world in which they live. This means that the Vineyard Movement must express the historical, biblical, orthodox Christian beliefs that we hold in common with all Christians, and the particular doctrines that are our distinctive voice, and voice in terms that are relevant to 21st century Christians.

Our Statement of Faith is based on the conviction that the kingdom of God is the central theological motif that gives definition to all that we believe. It is a “Kingdom of GOD” centered theology. This statement is our best current understanding of the Bible from that Kingdom prospective.























Who We Are

The Vineyard is a God-initiated, global movement of churches (of which Vineyard Himalayas is a part) with the Kingdom of God as its theological center.

The Bible is our rule of faith and practice.Our desire is to know the Bible, do what it says, and experience the way of living it describes.We embrace a full range of Kingdom practices, from proclaiming the Good News of Jesus to healing and deliverance, to ministry with the poor.

Vineyard churches embody a praxis that includes intimate worship, actively equipping ordinary people for ministry, responding to the intimate and leading of the Holy Spirit, and joining God’s mission in the world.


What We Do

In light of this, we believe that God has called Himalayan Vineyard to participate in the Kingdom of God as moves forward by

  • Providing pastoral care, vision, resources, and oversight to help local Vineyard churches fulfill their God-given calling.

  • Envisioning and motivating pastors and leaders to join God’s mission by, multiplying churches both in the Himalayan Vineyard and around the world.

  • Training and empowering current pastors to disciple, train, and send future leaders.

Where We Are Going

We will know we have succeeded in our mission when we see thousands of churches with Vineyard theology and practices multiply around the world which are led by pastors who are theologically, practically, and spiritually equipped to pursue their unique callings to “the greater glory of God and the well-being of people.”



The Vineyard is a God-initiated, global movement of churches committed to the theology and practice of the kingdom of God,rooted in the vision of the Hebrew prophets, and fulfilled in the life and ministry of Jesus of Nazareth.

We have been commissioned to proclaim the Good News of the Kingdom, bearing witness to the already and not yet of the Kingdom in words and deeds.

The Vineyard is a Movement distinctively centered in a renewed understanding of the centrality of the kingdom of God in biblical thought We view the kingdom of God as the overarching and integrating theme of the Bible.

From our beginnings, the Vineyard has been committed to the Proclamation of the Kingdom God and, bearing witness to the deeds of the kingdom through healing (physical, emotional, and social), doing justice, and delivering those held captive by evil.

Since the Kingdom of God is the future reign of God breaking into the present through the life and ministry of Jesus, we are a forward-leaning movement emphasizing the ever-reforming nature of the church and engaging the world in love.

The Vineyard is committed to the proclamation of the kingdom of God, and to bearing witness to the deeds of the kingdom.



  • Build an expanding community of churches both in the Himalayan Region and abroad that we are committed to one another and to the message and practice of the kingdom of God.

  • Establish and promote a common corporate vision for the community of churches.

  • Maintain the core values of the Vineyard, and engage in the essential practices of the Vineyard-Evangelism, Discipleship, Leadership Multiplication, and Diversity(EDLD).

  • Plant churches that are committed to and practicing the core values of the Vineyard.

  • Offer pastoral care, relationship, and other resources to pastors of local Vineyard churches.

  • Lead the Vineyard in theological reflection and maintaining history, orthodoxy and praxis.

  • Exercise discipline over local church pastors in case of misconduct or heresy.

  • Protect the good name of the Vineyard churches.

  • Approve pastors for local Vineyard churches.

  • Resource local Vineyard churches to carry out their mission.

  • Work to express the unity of Christ by intentionally joining with the broader Body of Christ in common witness and love.

  • Provide appropriate leadership structure to achieve these objectives.


In the Vineyard, we see Jesus’ teaching on the kingdom of God as the overarching and integrating theme of the Scriptures.

From our beginnings, the Vineyard has been committed to the proclamation of the kingdom of God, and to bearing witness to the deeds of the kingdom through healing (physical, emotional, and social), doing justice, and delivering those held captive by evil.


Our Core Values & Beliefs booklet (sample provided below) explores in more depth our commitment to being people of the Kingdom during our brief hour on the earth. We want to see what the Father is doing and join Him in his transforming work.

Translating the message of Jesus into language and forms that are relevant to diverse peoples and cultures.

To this end, we promote a creative, entrepreneurial, and innovative approach to ministry that is faithful to Jesus and expressive of His heart to reach those who are far away from God. As the Apostle Paul said, we are ready to “become all things” ( 1 Cor.9:19-23) to all mankind to see many come to faith in Christ.


Worshipping communities

 Worship is an environment in which we experience God-so we make it a priority in our gatherings.

Healing Communities

We have always prayed faithfully for the sick-in our church services and in everyday workplaces and neighborhoods we inhabit.

Biblical Communities

We are committed to the careful study and interpretation of the Bible, and to the faithful preaching of its message.


Our Churches aim to be outposts of the Kingdom of God, bringing hope and help from Jesus to anyone who wants it.

Healthy Communities

We are committed to being churches who practice emotional health through strong relationships.


Multiplying Communities

Most Vineyard churches exist because an individual or team left an existing Vineyard went to a new location, and started a new congregation.

What The father is Doing

In John 5:19, Jesus modeled deep dependence by doing what he saw the Father is doing. We want to do the same.

Faith Is Spelled R-I-S-K

John Wimber once said that faith is spelled "R-I-S-K”. We believe that God meets us in our weakness when we obey His leading.

Partner With The Holy Spirit

We are not simply implementing the best church strategies and trying to accomplish what is humanly possible. Rather, our mission involves praying and finding power from God Himself to accomplish what humans could never accomplish on their own.

We pray for the sick, we confront injustice, and we seek to hear the voice of God on behalf of others. This involves partnership with a person beyond ourselves.

Experience & Worship

The Kingdom of God is not a geopolitical territory, nor is the people of God. Rather, the kingdom is a dynamic realm.

Reconcile People with God & All Creation

Jesus is reconciling humans to God, to each other, and to the entire creation, breaking down divisions between Jew and Gentile, save and free both male and female.

Therefore, we are committed to becoming healing communities engaged in the work of reconciliation. We seek to be diverse communities of hope that realize the power of the cross in reconciling what has been separated by sin.

Engage In Compassionate Ministry

We lean towards the lost, the poor, the outcast, and the outsider with the compassion of Jesus as sinners whose only standing before God is utterly dependent on the mercy of God. This mercy can only be truly received in as much as we are willing to give it away.

We believe that ministry in Jesus’ name should be expressed in concrete ways through the local church. The poor are to be served as though serving Jesus Himself. This is one of the distinguishing characteristics of a church expressing the love of Christ in a local community.

Pursue Culturally Relevant Mission in The World

The Church exists for the sake of those who are exiled from God. We are called to bring the Gospel of the Kingdom to every nook and cranny of creation, faithfully.



A good way of understanding how churches in the Himalayan Region Function is by dividing them into  three major types:

Denominational churches.

Independent churches.

Dakhbari Sangati churches.


Denominational churches

Usually Denominational churches have a specific administrative system and a head office. The finances for pastors and church construction and doing ministries are looked after by the denomination organization. The churches usually submit their yearly budget to the centre office and the funds are alloted based on the needs.


Independent churches

Usually independent churches are individual churches. They function on their own based on the visions and working style of their leaders.


Dakhbari Sangati

Dakhbari Sangati is not a denomination or independent church type churches. We are a movement called church planting movement. It is the family of churches joined together in vision and values. They function in a team leadership and it is called Association of DakhbariSangati Churches.They give 5% of their monthly collection to the central fund and 30% to the compassion fund. These family of Churches spreads all over the world, and build relationships that allow for financially strong churches to help weaker churches to grow and stand strong. So that in the future, they too can help others stand strong.

The administrative structure is not Top Down model but rather mutually agreed by the national team. It is more a spiritual led authority than physical.

Every Church is autonomous and is allowed to function based on their location and culture. The national team only supports in areas of their development not control.

The pastors are chosen based on the person’s call in their life. Dakhbari Sangati only works with people with vision and passion for kingdom and know that it is God who called him/her to serve God.

As a family, DakhbariSangati is committed to helping each other grow by sharing resources. When the churches grow in their giving, 50% of the monthly income will go to support that pastor. Pastors are not allowed to create their separate ministry as we believe that pastors are called to Shepherd the Church. Church members can have their separate ministry if they want.

Pastors are not allowed to handle church finances. The Executive Finance Pastor of Vineyard Himalayas will train a Treasurer of their respective church to handle finances.






Metanoia Vineyard Community

Pastor Benjamin and Rachana Isaacs Bhutia started gathering with few young people back in 2010 but officially started church since 2012. It was started in an area called checked post but moved to the present location called Salugara in 2013.

We are church family of around 12 families at the moment but many who have taken baptism moved to different cities and locations. Almost 95% of our members are new followers of Jesus Christ and have taken baptism in our own baptism tank.

Almost all of our family members come from “below poverty line” families and mostly have no formal education but are simple and lovely people who love Jesus in a simple way.

Our Official staff is Pastor Ben and Rachana Isaacs, Ashish Yonzon, Bill Gurung, Rupa and Pritika

Ps Ben and Rachana play the role of shepherding the flock by taking care of people and teaching the word of God.

Ashish Yonzon is our worship leader, administrator, accountant and overall manager of the church facility. They also live in the church compound.

Rupa and Pritika both young girls are our Sunday school caretaker and big helper of church activities

Bill, a young man is our youth leader.


Contact n.o. +919733203231



Kalimpong Vineyard Fellowship

Overseer Maken and Manisha Cephas Gurung

Started: 01.06.2017(at Upasana rai house). Maken Cephas Gurung has done 18-month internship at Metanoia vineyard salugara Under the guidance Pastor Ben Isaacs Bhutia/RachanaIsaacs Bhutia.

The vision of the Church: Pray,Worship and Love your Neighbor and in future plant new churches in different location, villages, and towns and preached the good news of the kingdom of God to the broken people, orphans, outcast from society and too serve the poor.

Kalimpong Vineyard Fellowships has 5 families

Contact N.0. +918016751369/+917908105986


Dunchey Church

Ever since Pastor Kumar could remember, his father had always asked him to serve the Lord. Yet, he would always find himself constantly evading the discussion. It wasn’t till he returned home after the Nepal Earthquake, he realised his heart for serving God through church leadership. He then, interned at the Kathmandu Vineyard under Pastor Raju and Pastor Noel. During his internship, he would constantly be asking God to show him where he needs to go. God showed him Dunchey. With a new found encouragement and hope, he was fueled to spread the gospel to the people of Dunchey.

Historically, Dunchey has been a village of rich families, where people could afford to go to church. Yet, Kumar saw that the common people, the poor and marginalized families had no access to hearing the gospel. This is where he started his journey, on June of 2017 a small gathering consisting of three families began. Today, the church has over 50 members of which 10 have been baptised.

Pastor Kumar Biki lives with his wife Prasila Biki and have two kids, Pradisha and Pradarshan Biki. They continue to love God and spread His message to the people of Dunchey. 


Gadlang Church

    A twelve hour drive from the capital, Gadland is a small village located in the Northern Rasuwa District of Nepal. It lies around 6900 ft above sea level and has a community of around 150 families. Originally, Gadlang had a church in its village where a young man named Prem volunteered and helped. It was here in 2006, He met Shem and Pastor Raju on their trek to Nessing and immediately fell in love with the gospel. 

The church he was volunteering for was breaking down, and his heart was weeping. This encounter was a breath of fresh air for him. It is here he decided that he wanted to serve the Lord through leadership and began preaching the gospel and building the church using Vineyard values.

    Initially, the church was not in a building, but rather a gathering of a family in a potato field that consisted of around 6-7 people. Vineyard Kathmandu helped mentor Prem and his family on their spiritual journey, helping the church find land and praying for their needs. Today the church owns a building and has over 200 members! Most of which have found God through miracle healing of sickness.

    Pastor Prem lives with his wife Kanchi Maya, and has three kids, Anos, Eliza and Adesh. They continue to serve the lord with inexhaustible energy and enthusiasm. When he is not preaching the gospel, you can find Pastor Prem in the nearby paddy fields farming potatoes (a staple diet for the people of Gadlang)


Nessing Church

        In the Mountains of Nepal, lies a small village named Nessing. It is here in 2005, God showed His love and compassion to the village elder, Kami Tashi healing him and resulting in 36 family members finding God that same day. This village, though small, is large in its love for God. This is evident in that, the entire village is now christians!

    Nessing is a twelve hour drive from the capital which is followed by a five hour trek at 11000ft above sea level. The church here, has over 60 member

God The King and The Holy.

God The King: The Creator and Ruler Of The All Things.

Counterfeit Kingdom: Satan and Demonic Hosts.

The Kingdom In Creation,The Fall, and The Doctrine Of Original Sin.

God’s Providence, Kingdom Law, and Covenants.

Christ The Mediator and Eternal King.

The Ministry Of The Holy Spirit.

The Sufficiency Of Scripture.

The Power Of The Gospel Over The Kingdom Of Darkness.

The Church: Instrument Of The Kingdom.

Baptism and The Lord’s Supper.

The Kingdom Of God and The Final Judgement.  

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