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Living through a miracle in unity

Updated: Feb 23, 2021

Living through a miracle in unity

A short article by Mishal Sherpa, member of the Kathmandu Vineyard Youth Team.

Edited and written by Inda Piroli

Jaimasi! My name is Mishal Sherpa and I am from Kathmandu, Nepal. I have been a part of the Kathmandu Vineyard Youth Team family for a while now. I call it a family because that is who we are to each other. Watching the leaders support and teach us how to grow both spiritually and emotionally has been one of my personal blessings. This is why my main focus on this article is to share a bit of our youth team experience for the year 2019 and my personal encounter with God during this year.

 If I could describe the youth team of Kathmandu Vineyard Church with one word it would be “unity”. We united in a prayer at the beginning of 2019 asking for continuous unity and strength among all of us and God heard our prayers. The team held a lot of programs for the development of our Youth fellowship. On the first week of October, Vineyard Kathmandu, along with the Youth team, organized the First Annual Youth Conference in Kathmandu. Vineyard Youth teams from all over the Himalayan Region Vineyard Churches were invited to gather for three days. Needless to say, with over 300 participants gathering together to learn and witness the love of our heavenly father, it was a total success!

During the conference, we had opportunities to encounter God through worship, teachings of the Holy spirit and community building. We all got to immerse ourselves with the Holy Spirit, witnessing God’s power of healing, the breaking of chains that had bonded us, crying to Him, and speaking in tongues. I believe God really showered us with His abundant love, and the youth in turn gavethemselves fully to Him. We also got to meet and converse with our Vineyard families located outside the borders of Nepal! I think everyone involved came out of that conference with a breath of fresh air, and a different sense of the word unity; a kind of unity only God can offer.

    With this renewed energy, The Youth Team soon after decided to travel, share its experience and new understanding in a different conference in the remote district of Rasuwa. We travelled through three villages: Dunche, Gatland and Nessing; each one further away from the other. Dhunche was an eight-hour drive from the capital, and Gadlang was another four from Dhunche. Lastly, another 5-hour hike up the mountain led us to Nessing. Looking back, I would say God truly provided us with the energy, the physical strength and the will to keep moving forward. We not only spent time and built relationships with the youth teams in the Rasuwa District but also witnessed God`s continuing miracle work in their lives.

And in these miracles is where I encountered God, the second story I promised to tell. It happened during this particular journey to the Rasuwa District. In Gatlang village, a woman walked towards us holding her baby. With her eyes full of tears, she cried out “My baby is going to die!”. She did not know what she could do, she felt helpless. As soon as the team met her, we were looking for signs of life from the baby, trying to feel his breath, or a heartbeat, none of which we could hear or feel. I do not know about the other team members, but my heart was overwhelmed by helplessness. There I stood, in front of a woman whose baby was unconscious, expected to pull some kind of a miracle. It was in that moment when I remembered the bible verse, Philipians 4:13, where God had promised me that I could do ALL THINGS through HIM because it was HIM who STRENGTHENED me. Immediately after, the team began an intense prayer session asking God to save the baby. Within a few minutes, the baby suddenly coughed gasping for a breath of fresh air. We saw his eyes open. We immediately rushed him towards the nearest Health Post in the village. We thanked the Lord for the miracle and the incredible chance to witness His love and power in our life. This miracle made me fearless to the possibility of healing because I learned that it is not me who heals but God who heals through me.

And so, in our journey towards unity and my personal journey towards witnessing the word of God in 2019, my faith grew in the belief that in Christ, even the impossible is possible. As we asked God to strengthen our ties and allow us to come together, we expanded both our faith and our church; we got to meet so many new people, hear their stories and become a part of their lives. For 2020 we can only hope that these relationships continue to grow and that new ones are built in the image of God`s love and care, in the image of His Kingdom.

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